BevCap Captive Group


BevCap Captive group

BCCG is a homogeneous group captive insurance company for the beverage distribution industry, specifically designed for its unique needs and exposures. BCCG was created and is owned by its member insureds — outstanding beer distributors with the highest commitment to risk and loss prevention.
Ideal candidates of the BevCap Captive Group Insurance program exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Primary business relates to beverage distribution

  • Desire to take risk with similar “best-in-class” distributors

  • Excellent loss experience and controls in place

  • Shares entrepreneurial philosophy

  • Wish to be on the other side of the insurance transaction

Members of BevCap Captive Group experience:

  • Long-term control over unpredictable insurance pricing

  • Potential for reduced costs and return of unused premium and investment income

  • Workers’ Compensation, General Liability, Auto Liability, Auto Physical Damage, Medical

  • Responsive and agile service providers

  • Enhanced loss control, risk management and claims services

  • Buying power and broad distribution of risk